Google Summer of Code Updates from Week #6 (July 3rd to July 7th)

Week 6 of GSoC is finished, and we are approaching the GSoC mid-term evaluations. In this blog, we share the latest updates from our contributors and mentors.

Updates from Veronica, our GSoC admin and mentor

The week was short for us, mentors, as there were two public holidays here in Czechia, and some of our team members were taking some time off. It was very good to see how the contributors managed to work without much input from us and things were moving forward. Week 7 brings us mentors some time for reflection and introspection, looking at what was done so far, how things are going and what to improve. 

Updates from Daniel, our Slips Performance Contributor

This week, Alya introduced some changes to the modules which should be able to resolve the termination issue from viztracer. I attempted to run her merged changes on my branch but there were some discrepancies between the variable names and code section ordering so I had to resolve those conflicts. After resolving those conflicts, I attempted to run my cpu profiling feature and update_manager would not terminate even after running for 30 minutes. I tried again with profiling off and the issue would still happen, though inconsistently. This is normally no issue since you can Ctrl-C to stop the update_manager however pressing those keybinds while running viztracer will cause the profiling to terminate and the runtime data to be lost. I reverted the changes and attempted to merge again, carefully reading through each of the merge conflicts to make sure they were resolved correctly. However, this time a new problem emerged and the program output was getting directed to a file called “pipe” which was really strange and I didn’t know how to resolve it. After this, I decided to keep the cpu profiler feature in its current state where modules had to be disabled during profiling since I couldn’t figure out how to merge the changes to my branch. I then started researching memory profilers for the next portion of the project. I found some promising ones like memray, memory-profiler, pympler, and guppy3. I would have to do some further testing to check which ones are needed for live mode profiling and dev mode profiling.

Updates from Shubhangi, our Slips Web UI Contributor

I have implemented the general view but there are problems with the styling. Initially the charts from chart.js weren't showing up on the webpage but after a lot of trial and error, I figured out the reason was wrong imports.  A few tweaks are required but rest of it is done.

Before you go…

Next week our team will be presenting Slips at the 20th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA) Tool Arsenal in Hamburg. This is the first year the conference is organising a tool arsenal and we are excited to be able to share Slips to a new community! Wish us luck!